GSP Virtual Meeting for the GSP 2023 applicants took place on December 2nd and 3rd

It has become a GSP tradition now! Each year, the newest cohort organizes a virtual GSP meeting before the GSP application opens. This year GSP 2022 cohort took the lead with support from earlier cohorts. GSPians organized two separate meetings to allow applicants to join from different time zones. Potential applicants joined the meeting and […]

GSP Application for SS23 is open now until January 15th!

Non-local applicants (applicants with degrees outside Germany) will apply via Uni-Assist. Local applicants (applicants with German degrees) will use HU Berlin’s online application portal to register for the application.… The portals will guide applicants for the next steps. GSPians are organizing virtual meetings on December 2nd and 3rd to share their experiences with […]

GSP Application period for Summer Semester 2023 is approaching

GSP Application for SS23 will open on December 1st and close on January 15th. We recommend potential applicants register with us to get more information. Non-local applicants (applicants with degrees outside Germany) will apply via Uni-Assist. Application documents can be submitted online at uni-assist during the application period.

Transcience Spring Issue

The Spring issue of our journal Transcience is online. In this issue, GSPians Sophia, Rosa, Coline, Esther, and Daniel reflect on their research, while José Crisóstomo de Souza and Gadadhara Mohapatra contribute with their articles.

Prof. Dr. Boike Rehbein Memorial ZOOM

The memorial service by our Institute (IAAW) for Prof. Dr. Boike Rehbein will take place on July 15th at 16:00–18:00 Berlin time at the main university building, room 2091. Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin Unter den Linden 6 10099 Berlin Hörsaal 2091 The registration for in-person attendance is closed. You can follow the event live via Zoom […]

Professor Dr. Boike Rehbein memorial tribute

Professor Dr. Boike Rehbein’s obituary in English by our Institute can be found on our website:…/ A memorial tribute for Boike Rehbein will be held on 15 July at 16:00 in room 2091 of the main building of Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Unter den Linden 6, 10099 Berlin.  Please register for the event for organizational purposes: […]

In memory of Prof. Dr. Boike Rehbein

The Institute of Asian and African Studies mourns the passing of Boike Rehbein, whose sudden death on June 11 leaves us grieving deeply. Boike Rehbein was born in Berlin on February 18, 1965. He studied philosophy, sociology and history in Freiburg im Breisgau, Frankfurt am Main, Göttingen, Berlin and Paris. He completed his doctorate in […]

Winter 2021 Issue – Transcience

Transcience Winter 2021 Issue is out. The issue focuses exclusively on education with contributions from GSPians. We value critical thinking in GSP, and self-reflection is part of the process. Link:

GSP Application for Summer Semester 2022 is approaching

GSP Application for SS22 will open on December 1st and close on January 15th. To avoid problems relating to application documents, we recommend that applicants with degrees acquired outside Germany undergo an early application in the first three weeks of December.

GSP-GSP Virtual Event on Application for Summer Semester 2022

While GSP Application for Summer Semester 2022 is approaching, GSP students are organizing a virtual event with the potential applicants as part of GSP solidarity. Keeping different time zones in mind, GSPians set two dates: Saturday, November 20th, 17:00-18:30, and Sunday, November 21st, 11:00-12:30 (CET Berlin time). For more information, please register by filling out […]