GSP Application for Summer Semester 2021 is closed

The 2020 application to the Global Studies Programme (GSP) to start GSP by April 2021 ended on January 15th. The applicants can expect to hear from the admissions office by the second week of February 2021. We thank you for your interest in our program and all the work you put into your application!

Virtual School on Post-Eurocentric Critical Thought

One of our partners, Culture Bridge, helped GSP organize a Virtual School on Post-Eurocentric Critical Thought. The first event will occur between 12th-14th February to be followed by the second event between 3rd-5th March. Applications are open:

GSP Application for SS 2021 opens in December

We invite applications for GSP Berlin from December 1st onwards. The application portals for local and non-local applicants will remain open until January 15th. We recommend early applications in the first two weeks of December. If you are interested in applying, please register with us to receive more information at this link (GSP MA Form): […]

The Global Virtual School: Social Inequality

GSP Partner Culture Bridge is organizing a Virtual School on Social Inequality: GSP is a critical research programme and research on social inequality is the core of our activities. The school will be beneficial for the GSP cohorts to contextualize their studies and research from the perspective of inequality research and critical thought. Since attending to […]

Transcience Journal New Issue

The new issue of the Global Studies Programme’s Transcience Journal is online: We are now preparing the Winter issue and accepting new articles.

GSP MA application for SS 2020 is closed

GSP MA Application for Summer Semester 2020 is closed. The next application will be for Summer Semester 2021. Applications to GSP MA can be made by application portals Uni-Assist (non-local applicants) and Studienplatz (local applicants). Application portals will open in December 2020 and will close on January 15th, 2021.

GSP Application: Summer Semester 2020

The GSP Application for Summer Semester 2020 starts on December 1st and will remain open until January 15th: We recommend early applications taking place in the first three weeks of December. To apply for the Master in Global Studies, you have to register online. Depending on your case, you either register to Studienplatz or […]

GSP 2018 Fourth Semester Research Colloquium

Time flies. We remember receiving the applications for the 2018 cohort. Now they are already in the fourth semester and completed the research colloquium. Each GSP group is different. Still, they all share one thing in common: a wide variety of education, personalities, cultural and social backgrounds, and ages always creates a multiplicity of perspectives. […]

GSP in perspective

Colleagues at Jawaharlal Nehru University and Chulalongkorn University kindly shared with us a beautiful farewell get together group photo with the current GSP batches from Freiburg and Berlin. It has brought a lot of good memories from 2008. With time a lot has changed. Today’s GSP is different than the GSP of 2008 in two […]