The course of studies comprises three semesters and a final thesis semester plus a possible internship after the third semester. The first semester (April to July) is spent in Berlin, the second (August to December) in Buenos Aires or Pretoria, and the third (January to May) in New Delhi or Bangkok. The final semester starts in October and is spent in Berlin (as of 2016 students may spend the last semester abroad as well).
The course contents are oriented toward research and the preparation of students for advancing into a PhD programme. The curriculum is devoted to an interdisciplinary outlook on globalization and adapted to interests and strengths of each participating institution. Courses are defined, designed and carried out by each institution independently. Their general framework is defined by the module titles, while the specific content is discussed with the other institutions in order to guarantee a coherent course of studies. The language of instruction is English but students may attend courses in local languages or foreign language courses.
Each semester consists of four areas of study: globalization, research electives, social theory and methodology. In the second and third semesters students gain experience conducting field-work as they engage in research projects. The thesis semester is accompanied by a colloquium. In addition, students have the chance to attend additional courses, e.g. language or IT, or to do an internship.
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Globalization | Research Electives | Social Theories | Methodology | ECTS | |
Semester 1: Berlin | Module 1: Introduction: Theories of Globalization, 7 ECTS | Module 2: Two Research Focus Electives, 6 ECTS | Module 3: Modern social theories 1, 7 ECTS | Module 4: Methods, 7 ECTS | 27 |
Semester 2: Buenos Aires or Pretoria | Module 5: Global Public Spheres, 7 ECTS | Module 6: Research Focus Electives, 6 ECTS | Module 7: Modern social theories 2, 7 ECTS | Module 8: Empirical Research Project 1, 7 ECTS | 27 |
Semester 3: Bangkok or Delhi | Module 9: Modernization and Development, 7 ECTS | Module 10: Research Focus Electives, 7 ECTS | Module 11: Modern social theories 3, 7 ECTS | Module 12: Empirical Research Project 2, 7 ECTS | 28 |
Any Place | Extra Curricular Activities | Professional and/or Other qualifications (languages, IT skills etc.) | Internship | 10 | |
Semester 4: Berlin/Partner | Module 13: Colloquium and Thesis | Colloquium, 2 hrs, 3 ECTS | Master’s thesis, 25 ECTS | 28 |