The memorial service by our Institute (IAAW) for Prof. Dr. Boike Rehbein will take place on July 15th at 16:00–18:00 Berlin time at the main university building, room 2091.
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Unter den Linden 6
10099 Berlin
Hörsaal 2091
The registration for in-person attendance is closed. You can follow the event live via Zoom stream. Here is the Zoom information:
Zoom-Meeting beitreten
Meeting-ID: 647 4345 4748
Password: 408705
Please note that all users must register under their full names. Otherwise, they will not be admitted to the Zoom call.
After the event, there will be an informal gathering organized by Prof. Rehbein’s students and colleagues at this address from 19:30 onwards.
Biergarten SpeiseKombinat , Chausseestr . 116 , 10115 Berlin