Summer Semester 2019 has come to an end. 2019 Cohort is leaving Berlin for the next destinations, South Africa and Argentina. Some of our students have already arrived in Pretoria and getting used to the new setting. The Argentina group has more time before the semester at FLACSO starts. Our students typically visit their home cities during this period and get ready for the next period.
Every GSP group is unique, and it is impossible to predict how group dynamics will evolve once the group convenes. We liked that the 2019 group responded positively to our calls for self-organization. This attitude allowed us to use the limited time we had with the group to tackle issues more critical than logistics and bureaucracy. We want to thank especially to group members who took responsibilities to make this possible.
It was noticeable that post-colonial, and de-colonial thinking was almost second nature to the group. This is interesting as a decade ago, one would need to put more effort to introduce this type of critical reflection. We will give some thought to this, and the results of this work will be visible when the new group arrives.
We wish a great second semester to the 2019 group!